Wednesday 10 August 2011


I've always felt that true friendship is very important. The old saying "a friend in need is a friend indeed" goes a long way. True friends will always be there for you and you can always count on them, so my favorite thing to write about is always friendship

What is a true friend? A true friend says what they think their friend needs to hear even when they know that their friend may get angry. A true friend doesn't leave because they are afraid to be with you. A true friend doesn't leave when the fun stops and things get uncomfortable There are just of few of the values that real friends hold dear. In short, A true friend recognizes the value of the friendship and holds it sacred.

Friends are far, friends are near,
Friends will be there to lend an ear,
They listen, laugh, and care,
But most of all, they're always there,
Through thick and thin, up and down,
Your true friends are always around,
For treats, hugs and real big smiles,
They'll travel to you from several miles,
They'll always be there to hold you tight,
Anytime, no matter if it's day or night,
You really know when your friends are sincere,
When they always show up to lend their ear
we have had the most awesome times
and yes we have gotten into stupid fights!       
we promise so many things for each other
things that are so wrong                                
they're right
they're crazy
there our dreams
and now I'm on the other side of the world
and I cry every now and then
but I know in my heart
even if we're worlds apart
not the seas, oceans or land
can separate the friendship that we have
we are best friends
more than that
you are my sister, my twin
and I'm proud of everything that's been
between you and I
I will see you in a few years
and that's no lie
a promise that's impossible to bend
yes you are my very very bestfriend!
To see you upset and wanna cry
makes me wanna die
you're always there for me
now I have to be there for you
if I were a bee you'd be the honey
I'm the grass and you're the bunny
I need you and you need me
when I don't see you                             
my heart is goo
when my heart breaks
you're the glue
that fixes the damage
when I'm with you I'm on the edge
the edge of glory
you're the key to my joy
if somebody treats you like a toy
I'd help you
and you'd help me
we'll be friends
till the end
I don't know how to say this,
but I thank you very much
for always being there for me
you're gentle, friendly touch

You helped me to get better
and stop what I regret
you helped me through the hard times      
that, I can't forget.
thank you.

You listened to my problems
in a kind and caring way
and without you
I may not be smiling today
thank you.

I trust you with my secrets
the no one has been told
I trust you with my feelings
and in my heart, your words I'll take
until I'm grey and old
thank you !
You and I are friends
You laugh, I laugh
You cry, I cry                          

You scream, I scream
You run, I run
You jump, I jump

You jump off a
bridge, I'm going to
miss you buddy:)

True friends are hard to find,
but there you are you came into my life.
You came to me in a perfect time,                  
I'm so happy you're a friend of mine.

We've been together for so long,
in a fantastic place where we belong.
We shared the mysteries of our life,
laughter and tears are seen in our eyes.

You're with me and I'm with you,                     
you comfort me and I LOVE YOU.
A part of me becomes part of you,
true friendship I've found in you.

when it's time to say goodbye,
tears of sadness keeps falling in my eyes.
So, please don't cry my darling friend,
Coz our friendship will never end.

Yes it's true we'll be apart,
Coz I'm here and you there.
With you my friend I want to tell,
whatever happens we'll be FRIENDS FOREVER


This is Forever Friendship.
When you're down,
and the world seems dark and empty,
Your forever friend lifts you up in spirit
and makes that dark and empty world
suddenly seem bright and full.
Your forever friend gets you through
the hard times, the sad times,
and the confused times.
Your forever
friend holds your hand
and tells you that
everything is going to be okay.
And if you find such a friend,
you feel happy and complete,
because you need not worry.
You have a forever friend for life,
and forever has no end.

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